Obama’s infomercial

I guess I should mention this, since it was big news for the last day or so and will probably be news for most of today. It didn’t really tell me anything I didn’t know about Obama. I try to look at candidates and their positions before deciding who I will vote for. For those that are undecided or unsure about Obama, it probably did a good job helping them get to know him and his positions better. It may have helped some folks make up their mind or be more certain about their decision.

I think the one thing that really says it all about the current campaigns from both sides is this from TPM.

That is just the section that was produced for airing. It doesn’t include the last few minutes that were at a live rally in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I haven’t seen that anywhere on the web that I can link to. But there is this commercial, which is worth watching.

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