
Being Weird On The Internet

I wasn’t planning on posting anything this soon. I am still processing some of the things that I wrote about in my last post, and I thought the subject of this post would be next Monday’s Making Me Happy post. And it might still be, will depend on what is happening when I write that. But I decided I couldn’t wait until then to say something about what I just read.

And what was it just read you ask? (Yeah, like you couldn’t guess from the title of the post.) I got Felicia Day’s (@feliciaday) memoir, You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir via Kindle this morning. And thanks to spending way too much time getting unloaded today, I have finished it. So I have some quick thoughts on it I felt like sharing, even if they aren’t going to be read.

I’ve written here about trying to handle social media without actually being able to handle social. Well Ms. Day has written an entire book about it, only she managed to make it funny, and sad, and informative, and incredibly inspiring, all at once.

While reading Ms. Day’s book, I found myself occasionally laughing out loud. And occasionally crying. And a few times doing both at the same time. And I am sitting here unable to express why I did any of those things, in any kind of reasonable number of words. I think anyone reading this book will do the same kinds of things, but at different places and for different reasons. Well, there is one place I think most people will tear up, the story about her dad and the guy at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. That may be a universal emotional touchstone.

Another thing most people will get from this book is inspiration. That was Ms. Day’s goal in writing this book, as she stated more than once. To show people that being weird, being different, being yourself, was not an impediment to being a success and more importantly, to being happy.

I was already of the opinion that Ms. Day was an exceptional person, and an inspiration to others with what she has accomplished with her career. I didn’t expect that to change from reading this book. But it did. Learning of some of the things she was going through privately while having those public successes, makes her story even more inspiring. Ms. Day is certainly not perfect, but I hope someday when I grow up, I can be just like her.

And Ms. Day, for the record, it never got too nerdy for me. (And no way would Jim ever leave Trixie. Bob Whites stick together.)

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