A Busy Week for Marian Call

I was expecting this, but not so soon. – Tombstone in AZ

I knew Marian Call (@mariancall) was almost done with her second album of cover songs. And I knew that she was anxious to get it out to the backers of her first Kickstarter so she could be done with it, and could start her new Kickstarter with a clear conscience. I really wasn’t expecting it do go out until Thursday or Friday, but she dropped it earlier, so here I am working on my third post in a week (Not normal for me at any time.) and they are all about geeky gingers.

If Sam Maggs (@sammaggs) or Karen Gillan (@karengillan) start up, I may end up posting daily. Not sure my mind could take that kind of workout. (Not sure it can handle this one frankly.)

So Marian Call Sings The Classics, Volume II is in the wild. Well, on Bandcamp.com anyway. It has 11 songs, although one is only available as a video and can’t be downloaded due to licensing limitations. Besides which, you really need to see Marian and @Marian_ebooks sing it together to get the full effect of the song.

So these songs cover the range from Joni Mitchell (All I Want) to The Muppets (Rainbow Connection, I’m Going To Go Back There Someday) to Homestar Runner (Sensitive To Bees). They have little in common, except that they are songs that Ms. Call loves, several of them from childhood. And the fact that she loves them shows in the songs, and the effort she put into them.

Some of the songs are barely changed, such as Sweet Baby James, with Paul Pew, Ms. Call’s father singing the lead. Others are not what you are expecting. Her Rainbow Connection is powerful and compelling, very different from the original, laid back sound of Kermit in The Muppet Movie. I find myself listening to it over and over, even more than the rest of the album.

Then there is the very old Conjunction Junction, from my childhood, with Angela Webber (@angelamwebber) and Aubrey Webber (@aubreycello), better known as The Doubleclicks (@TheDoubleclicks), providing backup vocals as well as ukelele and cello. This version is much funkier than the one I remember, and I can easily see it replacing the original version in my mind.

There are songs on this album that you know, that is almost guaranteed. You should check them out and listen to ones you don’t know as well. You will almost certainly like what you hear.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1642785411 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


And now a short bit at the bottom of the post. The other reason this is a really busy week for Ms. Call. She has launched her second Kickstarter project, Marian Call Makes a New Album: ‘Standing Stones’. While she has produced a lot of music the last few years, as I mentioned earlier, this is a big studio project, with lots of extras like brass and strings, and hopefully backup singers.

Her last project like this was Something Fierce, which is a great collection of songs. But now Ms. Call is more experienced at every aspect of her craft, the singing, the song writing, and the technical work of editing and arranging everything. And everyone that has heard the new songs in concert has been very enthusiastic about hearing the finished product.

So if you are interested in good music, and supporting independent artists of all kinds, you should give Ms. Call’s project a look. $5 gets you a digital song from the album, and $15 gets a digital download of the entire album. (Hmm, not as short as I thought. Got to work on that.)

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