Making Me Happy: Outta Here

So this will be a short post, because I need to get on the road to Devil’s Tower. And because it is an easy decision about what is making me happy this week.

Well, not that easy. It was a very full week for happy-making things, which is always good.

Felicia Day’s (@feliciaday) new book, You’re Never Weird On The Internet (Almost), came out Tuesday, and it was (and is) great. You should definitely go buy and read it. Or borrow and read it if necessary, the reading it is the important part.

The Doubleclicks’ (@TheDoubleclicks) new album, President Snakes, was also released Tuesday, and you should go get it too. Because they are talented and fun and subversive as hell on it. And the best song on it is Bad Memories. Some of which it evoked.

Then Marian Call (@mariancall) got into the act and released her new album, Marian Call Sings The Classics, Vol II. And launched a new Kickstarter for her next studio album. And you should definitely buy and back those two things, respectively.

Kind of an expensive week too, now that I look at it.

But as good as this things were, the thing that made me happiest happened Saturday afternoon. I started my car and headed for the PNW, on 2 weeks of vacation. It’s amazing how much stress and tension disappeared one I got past Chicago.

Now I’m going to go explore a National Memorial in Wyoming. More happy in the making.

Okay, this is really late. But in my defense, Devils Tower.

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