Who’s watching? Statistics Plugins for your WordPress Blog
A short look at 3 WordPress plugins for giving you statistics: WordPress.com Stats, StatPress Reloaded, Google Analytics for WordPress Continue reading
A short look at 3 WordPress plugins for giving you statistics: WordPress.com Stats, StatPress Reloaded, Google Analytics for WordPress Continue reading
Looking at 7 plugins that connect your blog posts and Twitter. Continue reading
Everyone can see things like what ads you are running, or what your contact form looks like. They may not know what plugin you are using, unless you allow the linkbacks that some developers put in, but the effects of those plugins are quite apparent. But there are a lot … Continue reading
Well, I was planning on talking about some more plugins I have found and installed as a followup to my earlier post. Some from recommendations on other blogs, others just by browsing through the plugin directories on WordPress. There are some really neat things out there to add to blogs, … Continue reading