Who’s watching? Statistics Plugins for your WordPress Blog
A short look at 3 WordPress plugins for giving you statistics: WordPress.com Stats, StatPress Reloaded, Google Analytics for WordPress Continue reading
A short look at 3 WordPress plugins for giving you statistics: WordPress.com Stats, StatPress Reloaded, Google Analytics for WordPress Continue reading
Some places to get information on making your WordPress blog more secure. Continue reading
Quick look at five security plugins for WordPress: Secure WordPress, Admin SSL, WP-SpamFree, Invisible Defender, Login LockDown Continue reading
Looking at 6 more plugins that integrate your WordPress blog and Twitter: Twitbar Widget, Easy Twitter Links, Fishy Tweet, TwitPlusNNNF, Bird Feeder, WordTwit Continue reading
A quick look at 5 archive plugins for WordPress: Simple Yearly, Clean Archives Reloaded, Flexo Archives, Collapsing Archives, AWSOM Archive Continue reading
Blogrolls and links to other sites are an important part of the blogging world. We share our interests and places we think are neat with our reader, and hope others will do the same with our site. The basic Links widget that comes with WordPress only allows you to display … Continue reading
Going back to the reader’s side this time, I will look at some plugins that help you keep posts in front of their eyes. The most important thing about the post is that the writing and content are good. But if it is from very far back in time how … Continue reading
So I decide to do a clean install of WordPress to take care of some database issues. Or at least lessen them. I have done something like 5 installs, including moving 3 blogs, in the last month, so no big deal, just go through it step by step. That was … Continue reading
Everyone can see things like what ads you are running, or what your contact form looks like. They may not know what plugin you are using, unless you allow the linkbacks that some developers put in, but the effects of those plugins are quite apparent. But there are a lot … Continue reading
I have been looking at a lot of plugins lately, as you can see from my posts. I have noticed something about most of the plugins I look at that is very annoying. I was thinking about posting this today, when I checked my RSS reader and found the post … Continue reading