How Shiny Is It? COH Issue 16 Reflections
Looking at Issue 16 of City of Heroes a month after it was released. How does power customization affect play? Continue reading
Looking at Issue 16 of City of Heroes a month after it was released. How does power customization affect play? Continue reading
Some short thoughts on the newest issue of City of Heroes, Architect. Continue reading
I play the MMO City of Heroes. Started the first day it was released and have been on it ever since. I don’t always play a lot, but I do like jumping on and beating up villains from time to time. Or beating up heroes, if I feel like being … Continue reading
For something a bit different from the politics that have been devouring most of my attention, I thought I would look at a couple of books I bought recently. One the newest Dick Francis, the other an older collection of Doonesbury strips. podcast
Got up today and went over to Ft. Wayne, IN. Michelle Obama was speaking there, in a campaign rally for her husband. It was originally supposed to be in a pavilion in a park in Ft. Wayne, but it was moved to the Grand Wayne Center Monday. Either someone looked … Continue reading