A Week of Politics

So the week started with Bush as the President of the USA and not much happening except getting ready for the inauguration. Then Tuesday happens, and it feels like a tornado is going through the government. In over 30 years of watching national politics, I do not remember this kind … Continue reading

Franken Stealing the Election?

If you are a conservative “journalist” there is no question mark at the end of that sentence. Instead it is an exclamation point. Or in l33t, !!!1!!1!.  For anyone else, that actually knows how to read and is honest about the facts, it is a question you ask with a … Continue reading

Incoming Senators

No, I am not talking about the seating of the 111th session of the US Senate that convenes on January 6. Everybody knows about that, and it is much too mundane to compete with the rest of the news about Senators that is out there.  Or possible Senators anyway.

Minnesota Senate Race is slowly coming to a conclusion

It looks like they might finally be slowly getting close to a decision in the Minnesota Senate race between Al Franken and Norm Coleman. (Yes, there are a lot of modifiers in there.) The canvasing board there has almost finished certifying the challenged ballots, which have put Franken in the … Continue reading

Minnesota Senate Recount: Vote on the Franken-Coleman ballot challenges

They are still counting in Minnesota. All kinds of people, both on the web and on the news have made statements about the length of time it is taking. But everything I have seen seems to be showing that the election officials there are doing their best to be fair … Continue reading
